COMING NEXT: New non-interventional study: DECIDE II
A new non-interventional observational study called “Decision for or against anti-PD1 Treatment In Adjuvant Setting of Patients across Europe with Resected Stage IIB/IIC Melanoma (DECIDE II)" in collaboration with Merck, Sharpe and Dohme will start soon. This study investigates the factors influencing the decision for or against an anti-PD1 adjuvant therapy at the patient and physician level, the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of included patients and the proportion of patients undergoing adjuvant anti-PD1 immunotherapy in resected stage IIB/IIC melanoma patients across various European countries. The primary objectives are to describe the determinants for or against recommendations of treating physicians and/or interdisciplinary tumour boards, the motivations for patients' rejection of recommended/offered adjuvant treatmentand the treatment rates of adjuvant anti-PD1 therapy in these patients. Would you like to participate in this multinational study? Please contact us at