Optimising malignant melanoma management in Europe
EUMelaReg collects health information to improve care and treatment for patients with skin cancer
Sustaining and fostering collaboration between academia and industry
for the collection of baseline, treatment and outcome data of representative samples of malignant melanoma patients of major European countries.
Building the largest and quickest melanoma registry in the world
EUMelaReg collects real-world data on melanoma patients throughout Europe and integrates them in a data warehouse.

EUMelaReg PD-SEQ project accepted at SMR congress 2023

We are pleased to report that the EUMelaReg PD-SEQ project abstract has been accepted for poster presentation at the upcoming Society for Melanoma Research 20th International Congress 2023 in Philadelphia (Abstract title: Efficacy of pembrolizumab in metastatic melanoma patients following adjuvant anti-PD1 treatment. A EUMelaReg outcome analysis.) Treatment of patients with BRAF-V600-mutated metastatic melanoma with BRAF and MEK inhibitors or immune checkpoint inhibitors with anti-PD1 antibodies or anti-PD1/CTLA4 combinations has significantly improved patient outcomes compared with previous standards of care. A total of 1.861 patients with BRAF V600-mutated, unresectable, metastatic melanoma who received either BRAF/MEKi or a single anti-PD1 ICI as first-line treatment were evaluated based on data from the EUMelaReg registry. In summary, the results suggest that anti-PD1 as a single agent may be a valuable option for certain patients with BRAF V600-mutated metastatic melanoma.